Planning for the Marist School Graduation ball involves a lot of thinking over options and details.
For non-hotel venues such as Glass Garden, Water Nymph, or Marikina Convention Center, we have the option to contract caterers to provide food. While providing food piecemeal might seem to be cheaper, contracting caterers usually guarantee a more pleasant dining experience to the ball attendees.
Reputable caterers normally take care of a lot of things, such as venue decorations, skirted tables and covered chairs. They provide clean and uniformed waiters and food servers, trained to provide excellent service.
They provide all the dining related incidentals such as utensils, drinking glasses, serving paraphernalia, ice for the drinks and purified water.
A less organized/improvised effort (e.g. pot luck ) to provide food will mean a lot of volunteer work and lots of expenses in venue preparation (chairs, tables, utensils, decorations etc). Getting professional caterers will normally be more cost-effective ( and less nerve wracking ) to the organizers.
Most caterers offer a wide variety of banquet and buffet possibilities, ranging from P250 per hear to P1,000 per head. For the graduation ball, we do not really want anything very heavy since we expect the attendees to go enjoy the full length of the event, from 6pm to midnight.
What we'd probably want are
- some heavy carbs ( pasta? rice? pancit ) plus some meat/fish/vegetables for the main course
- lots of finger food available all night (french fries? spring rolls? small sandwiches ) as mini snacks
- unlimited drinks ( iced tea, softdrinks, juices ) all night
- dessert ( ice cream, light cakes, puto )
We could probably get good deals from among the best (not necessarily expensive) caterers in town. Some good options are:
- Josiah's Catering - The Philippine's most innovative and trendsetting caterer
- Manila Catering Services
- multi-awarded as the Most Outstanding Catering Services Company by the Consumer's League of the Philippines.
- Avengoza Catering Services - adept in Oriental and Continental cuisine and is well known to its clients as a symbol of elegant and fine dining
There are also venue-specific accredited list of caterers, so we will know other choices once we have selected the venue. If we decided to choose a caterer not accredited with the venue, the venue owner will normally require a "corkage" ranging from P6,000 to P30,000.
Depending on how many will attend, and how much funds will be available, we think we can get very good menu selections in the range of P300 to P600 per head.